HVLP izsmidzinātāju
Jautājumi par HVLP izsmidzinātāju
Mēs esam apkopojuši visbiežāk uzdotos jautājumus par HVLP, lai palīdzētu viegli atrast atbildes. Ja neatrodat meklēto sazinieties ar mūsu biroju.
Var būt nepieciešama atšķaidīšana uz gludām virsmām un krāsojot ar viskoziem, želejveida materiāliem. Sajaukšana ar ūdeni ir ieteicama arī tad, ja izsmidzināšana ir pārāk rupja vai krāsas apjoms ir pārāk mazs (pat pie maksimālā iestatījuma).
Vispirms mēģiniet izsmidzināt, neatšķaidot krāsu. Ja izsmidzināšana nav pietiekami smalka vai parādās malas, atšķaidiet par 5 procentiem, izmantojot maisīšanas stieni.
Samaisiet materiālu oriģinālajā traukā. Iekštelpu sienu krāsām ieteicams izmantot maisītāju. Noteikti izmantojiet krāsu istabas temperatūrā. Jums var būt nepieciešams atšķaidīt krāsu.
Pārklājiet visas virsmas un objektus, kas nav paredzēti krāsošanai vai atbrīvojiet darba vietu no tiem.
Atdaliet smidzināšanas uzgali no turbīnas un ielejiet atlikušo krāsu atpakaļ sākotnējā traukā. Notīriet visas daļas ar atbilstošu tīrīšanas līdzekli. Krāsām uz ūdens bāzes ieteicams silts ūdens ar nelielu daudzumu mazgāšanas līdzekļa.
Padoms: jo ātrāk pēc lietošanas iztīrīsiet krāsas smidzinātāju, jo vieglāk būs noņemt krāsu. Vairāk video par HVLP krāsas izsmidzināšanas sistēmu tīrīšanu var atrast WAGNER Apvienotās Karalistes YouTube kanālā: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbgFqUg6UmYlwGV3vDUF9FA.
Strādājot virs galvas izsmidziniet maksimāli 30 grādu leņķī.
Lai uzglabāšanas laikā šļūtene nesalocītu, atvienojiet šļūteni no krāsas smidzinātāja un pistoles.
Izsmidzinot krāsu, vienmēr lietojiet elpceļu aizsarglīdzekļus: krāsas migla un šķīdinātāja tvaiki ir kaitīgi jūsu veselībai. Strādājiet tikai labi vēdināmās telpās vai ar mākslīgo ventilāciju. Mēs iesakām valkāt darba apģērbu, aizsargbrilles, cimdus.
Mēs iesakām izsmidzināt vertikālā izsmidzināšanas virzienā. Pārvietojiet ierīci nemainīgā 10-30 cm attālumā (atkarībā no smidzināšanas uzgaļa un materiāla) un ar nemainīgu ātrumu. Pārliecinieties, ka krāsas kārta nedaudz pārklājas ar iepriekšējo krāsas kārtu, lai panāktu vienmērīgu krāsas pārklājumu. To var panākt arī ar “crosscoat” izsmidzināšanu, kurā vispirms uzklājat krāsu vertikāli un pēc tam horizontāli.
- Uniform paint application
- Smooth, more resistant surface
- Fast working speed
- High covering capacity
- Easy coverage of corners and edges
- Hard-to-reach areas
- Textured surfaces
Work away from the light. Start with the ceiling. Then do the window recesses and the corners and edges of the area that you want to spray. Next, spray the area with a spray jet adjusted to suit your preferred working direction.
1. Remove old, loose paint or varnish with a scraper and sandpaper and fill in any holes with a suitable filler. Remove any dirt and moss from any old paint. Then evenly sand the surface with fine sandpaper.
2. Always apply several coats of the material (see the manufacturer’s instructions). The paint must be suitable for use with the surface/old paint. Prime untreated wood or plastics with a protective primer to improve adhesion and metal with a rustproofing product.
3. The “Wood&Metal” spray attachment is suitable for the application of primers, varnish, wood and metal paints. At the start of spraying, set the material volume to low and increase if necessary depending on your working speed. Spray as thinly as possible to avoid “streaks” and reduce drying times.
4. Start spraying before reaching the edge of the object and carry on spraying beyond it. Keep a distance of 10-15 cm from the object and work at a consistent speed. Spray the non-visible parts of the chairs, tables, hinged shutters, etc., first, then move on to the legs, sides and edges and finish with the most prominent sides.
For more information on spraying varnishes click here and for glazes click here.
HVLP is for:
- Small to large projects
- Little spray mist
- Quick and easy cleaning
- Easy to use
Airless is for:
- Fast working speed
- High surface quality
- Robustness
- Versatility
- Frequent use

- Reduce air volume
- Reduce distance from the object
- Always spray at constant and even distances
The stirring rod is useful when you want to dilute and stir the paint. Place the stirring rod against the base of the filled paint container. The distance between the notches represents a dilution of 10%. Add water and stir well. You can also use the tip of the stirring rod to remove dried-on paint from the nozzle.
HVLP stands for High Volume Low Pressure. The low material pressure with the high volume of air ensures slightly larger material droplets and therefore less spray mist.
Unlike air atomisation, airless atomisation technology atomises the air using the material pressure alone, i.e. without the use of any air. A pump pressurises the material and forces a defined quantity through a nozzle. During this process, the material is diffused into a finely atomised spray jet. Airless technology is particularly suitable for the application of emulsions.
HEA stands for High Efficiency Airless. An innovative nozzle technology is combined here with a highly efficient yet pressure-reduced pump. For more information, visit https://www.wagner-group.com/en/guide/what-is-airless-airless-technology-guide/airless-sprayers-for-do-it-yourselfers/.
No, always use the appropriate WAGNER accessories with the WAGNER paint sprayers, otherwise the guarantee becomes null and void.
Yes, you can spray deep ground with our WAGNER paint spray systems. Deep penetrating primer can be applied with Control Pro as well as with HVLP. The following must be observed during application:
- Clean the unit immediately after use
- Ideally use water-based materials
- Observe the material data sheet
Further information is available on the technical data sheet of the paint manufacturer.
Yes, with our WAGNER paint spray systems you can spray dispersion paint. You need a WallSprayer paint spray system, e.g. W 450, Universal Sprayer, e.g. W 590 FLEXiO or Airless Sprayer Control Pro 250 M. Further information is available on the technical data sheet of the paint manufacturer and here.
No, with our WAGNER paint spray systems you cannot spray any facade paint. Façade paint contains abrasive components which would cause our equipment to wear out too quickly. In addition, especially with coarse surface structures, it cannot be guaranteed that the paint can penetrate into every angle during spraying. We recommend a WAGNER contractor spray system, such as the ProSpray 3.21 and rolling with the roller.
Yes, with our WAGNER paint spray systems you can spray primer. Further information is available on the technical data sheet of the paint manufacturer.
No, you cannot spray lime paint with our WAGNER paint spray systems.
Since there are different compositions of materials, different viscosities and also qualities of dispersion adhesive/non-woven adhesive, we cannot recommend it without reservation. In the worst case, the unit will stick together during processing and is irreparable afterwards. In this case the company WAGNER does not give any guarantee.
We would like to ask you to check whether the weather protection paint can be sprayed. The manufacturer refers to this on the container. If this is the case, the W 590 is suitable. Please note that the paint must be thinned if necessary. For further information, please refer to the technical data sheet of the paint manufacturer.
Yes, you can spray silicate paint with our WAGNER paint spray systems. Please make sure that the corresponding surface is completely covered during application. For further information, please refer to the technical data sheet of the paint manufacturer.
When using silicate paint, a distinction must be made between silicate interior paint and silicate exterior paint:
- Silicate interior paint:
- Can be applied with Control Pro as well as with HVLP.
- Please note! Silicate paint can attack and damage surfaces such as windows. Accordingly, mask off well when applying the paint!
- Silicate exterior paint:
- Should not be applied with HVLP or Control Pro. Contains abrasive components that cause WAGNER equipment to wear too quickly.
- Especially when coating facades (very coarse surface structure), it cannot be guaranteed that the paint can penetrate into every corner when spraying. We recommend using a manual sprayer (e.g. ProSpray 3.21 and re-rolling with the roller).
In order to achieve the optimal coating of surfaces, they must be clean. All dirt, dust, oil, water, etc. should be removed.
1. When you prepare a room for spraying, remove the ceiling rose, light switches and sockets. ATTENTION: Disconnect the power supply first.
2. To attach the cover to the ceiling, use masking tape, which you apply every few metres.
3. Protect the floor and skirting boards with plastic sheets and fix this in place with masking tape.
4. Cover all doors, windows or radiators with a plastic sheet.
5. Use masking tape to attach the sheet to both sides of the door or window.
6. Spray the ceiling first, then the corners and finally the walls.
7. Remove the tape before the paint dries completely (slowly peel off the tape). We recommend the Universal Extra Masking Kit for this https://www.wagner-group.com/en/do-it-yourself/products-and-accessories/accessory-group/universal-extra-masking-kit/.